How Does One Earn The Title of DeadBeat?

A “DeadBeat” is anyone who intentionally or out of selfishness spoils part or all of your or your business’ day by knocking-down your spirits, your production and / or your profitability. Many of them are so self-centered or disinterested in the welfare of others that they couldn’t care less about your time, your happiness, your success or all the hard work and expense you have invested and continue to invest in your business. Their typical offenses might be:

  1. Appointment “no-show” with no prior notification to the business.
  2. Chronic complainer.
  3. Verbally disrespectful, demanding, offensive, abusive or threatening.
  4. Physically abusive.
  5. Sexually suggestive or aggressive.
  6. Business personnel don’t feel safe around him / her.
  7. Provide unacceptable work site conditions.
  8. Expect goods or services at a discount or free of charge.
  9. Posted a negative review on social media about you or your business without discussing their problem with you first and giving you a chance to solve the problem.
  10. Posted a negative review on social media about you or your business without posting all of the details and all of the truth, thereby tried to manipulate the reader into thinking that you’re “bad” and that he or she is “your victim.”
  11. Unjustly filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau against your business.
  12. Unjustly filed legal action against your business.
  13. Accepted all of your goods and / or services then reciprocated with slow pay.
  14. Accepted all of your goods and / or services and made partial payment. Then made no further payment and went into hiding from you or began showering you with endless excuses and empty promises to pay.
  15. Made payment by check or credit card then “stopped” that payment and went into hiding from you.
  16. No-pay and no response to your efforts to contact them or began showering you with endless excuses and empty promises to pay.