How Much Are DeadBeats Really Costing Your Business?

Have you ever taken the time to add-up what these kinds of people REALLY cost your business each year ?

It’s not hard to figure but it might be hard to believe. DeadBeats USA has made it simple with this easy to complete online calculator. Just fill in the blanks with your best honest answers and get the total cost that DeadBeat customers are costing you.


Types of offenses Average number of occourances / year Avg. number of business hours used to solve each occourance Avg. $ value of one business hour Total business loss for this offense / year
How much $ does your business spend on collecting Accounts Receivable each year ?
     a)  Extra office supplies and postage for monthly  statement mailings. $
     b)  Bank charges for customers bouncing checks on you. $
     c)  Legal fees. $
     d)  Collection agency fees. $
How much money does your business write-off each year as uncollectable ? $
DeadBeats are Costing Your Business: $ yearly
That money should be in YOUR pocket.